Contact us per e-mail by clicking on the button "Contact us", or, if you prefer, call us at the +49 8031 8603033 in the opening hours.
Discover our commitments to sustainable mountain adventures.
Mountain professionals (Mountain guides, Mountain leaders, Fire Brigade, Military and Ski Instructors) benefit from a 30% discount on the Millet range of products.
1. Send your supporting documents
Professional card or any other element attesting to your activity, by email :
2. Receive your confirmation
Deadlines: 1 week for the processing of requests sent by email
If you are a climber, mountaineer or skier and would like to be sponsored by Millet, how do you proceed ?
If you are looking for a sponsor for a project, you can send us a Millet Expedition Project file which we will study carefully:
You can also send us your request via the contact form.
Contact us per e-mail by clicking on the button "Contact us", or, if you prefer, call us at the +49 8031 8603033 in the opening hours.
Discover our commitments to sustainable mountain adventures.